About us

We put the process first in process automation

Domains with rich and long years of experience include

Our process automation methodology

Understand your overall automation roadmap

From our experience, it is often beneficial to understand the overall picture. This would in essence allow us to lay the foundation for total automation rather than working on a piecemeal basis. Of course, actual deployment would happen in a phased manner.

Understand the major processes in your organization

It is easy to misinterpret the processes unless we meticulously record the way your current process works. Based on the complexity of your requirements, we prepare business requirements document and process definition document to ensure we all stay on the same page.

Check if one of our existing bots can be configured to fit your business process

A key advantage of working with us is that we have bots ready to demo and deploy in your organization for certain core office functions. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Choose a process to deploy a PoC bot in your organization

Often, it is best to start small, especially at the beginning of a large engagement. In this scenario, we typically recommend building a Proof of Concept so you get a feel of how a real bot works and the ways it would impact your business. Upon completion of PoC, we set a clear plan to achieve your automation goals.

Build, test and deploy production ready bots in your organization

This is a core development and implementation task. As we take the responsibility of handling this, you will not have to invest in infrastructure to handle this.

Support your enterprise in running, maintaining and upgrading the bots

No business is static. Change is a constant. We help you upgrade your bots when processes or tasks change.

Automation is not a project. It is a journey. We will help you in every step of your automation journey.

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